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Call Us 361-729-6251   Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am

Our Mission Statement

 “The mission of the First Presbyterian Church family is to serve with vision and conviction, nurtured by the love and grace of God.”

The Session of FPC Rockport seeks to accomplish its work through the following Committees, all of which are open to volunteer involvement:

Our Church Committees

Program Committee Areas of responsibility: Camps & Conferences, Christian Education, Community Table, Library, Mission, Nursery, Vacation Bible School, Youth Ministry

Outreach Committee (Meets Second Thursday, 4:30 PM) Area of responsibility: Evangelism

In-reach Committee (Meets First Thursday, 9:30 AM) Areas of responsibility: Member Care; Home, Hospital and Nursing Home Visitation

Worship Committee (Meets Second Thursday, 5:00 PM) Areas of responsibility: Greeters, Music, Pulpit Supply, Sacraments

Operations Committee (Meets Third Thursday, 5:00 PM) Areas of responsibility: Maintenance & Repair, Finance, Grounds, Insurance, Memorials and Honorary Gifts, Personnel, Stewardship

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